Village Fair 2023 – A Seasonal Success!


Photos collages designed by Kate Sullivan, DRE

We had a “village” full of good will and good cheer displayed throughout Trueblood Hall last Saturday, December 2nd.  Whether you stopped by to take a chance on one of our beautiful raffle baskets, sample a delicious cinnamon bun, delight in a See’s Candy offering, purchase a themed mason jar, take part in a hands-on craft project, or have your picture taken with the resident Gingerbread Person, holiday spirit was shared by all!  Over at the Meeting House, visitors enjoyed historical tours given by Rev. Dan Harper as well as the noon-time performance by the Rusty Skipper Band (featuring two vocal solos by FP choir member, Mike Nakashima!) which raised money in free will offerings for the Cohasset Food Pantry.

Special thanks to Tara Volungis for once again spearheading the tireless effort to plan and organize this fun-filled First Parish favorite! More than $2,300 was raised to go towards future programs and events.

It really does “take a village” to have a successful Village Fair.  We couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you who volunteered to help as well as those who came out to enjoy and support the festivities!  Your contributions of time, talent, and treasure are acknowledged and appreciated!  THANK YOU!