Outreach Committee Selects Special Christmas Eve Fund

The total offering from this year’s Christmas Eve candlelight service will go to Boston Health Care for the Homeless (BHCHP). Our gift to BHCHP will help support their mission to ensure unconditionally equitable and dignified access to quality health care for all individuals and families experiencing homelessness in the greater Boston area.

Each day teams from BHCHP help Boston’s most marginalized parents and youth meet and mitigate the health challenges of homelessness. They regularly visit families housed in shelters, scattered apartments and hotels, as well as those unhoused families and individuals living on the streets of the city. BHCHP operates out of a Family Clinic in Roxbury.

Our gift to BHCHP will cover such varying needs as: weekly 1:1 behavioral counseling; the cost of over-the-counter medications and supplies (pain relievers, fever reducers, cough drops); bus transportation to medical appointments; case management services, as well as assisting patients with clothing and food access.

The Outreach Committee thanks you for your seasonal support of this venture.