The Freddie Green Theory of Leadership

The Freddie Green Theory of Leadership

10:00 am - 11:00 am
People used to complain that they could never hear Count Basie's guitarist, Freddie Green. But Freddie Green had a unique leadership style. I'll talk about [...]
Potluck Dinner & Game Night!

Potluck Dinner & Game Night!

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Come join in the fun!  Bring your favorite dish, appetizer, or dessert to share with others. We will have games to play or you can bring [...]
Habitat for Humanity Cohasset Build

Habitat for Humanity Cohasset Build

8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Join the First Parish Construction Crew on their second Cohasset-site build this year!  Typical hours are 8:30a-3:30p.  Cost is $50 per person.  Email if [...]
Global Problems, Local Actions

Global Problems, Local Actions

10:00 am - 11:00 am
It's easy to get overwhelmed with national and global problems like food insecurity, the environment, violence, homelessness, etc. René Dubos said: "think globally, act locally." [...]
A Religious Liberal Looks at the Economy

A Religious Liberal Looks at the Economy

10:00 am - 11:00 am
The economy tends to loom large in every U.S. election. What do religious liberals say about the economy? Should the economy even be a major [...]
Fairy House Walk

Fairy House Walk

11:30 am - 1:00 pm
  Note:  We'll be building fairy houses at coffee hour over the next few weeks (9/15, 9/22, and 9/29).  Everyone can participate! If anyone has [...]

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